When we got to the spot, most of it was covered with a thin ice layer. I did have about 15 feet of eddy in which to play followed by 25-30 feet of ice before the steep bank I stood on. Wendy was busy frolicking in the snow, she is truly a winter dog. Burying her head in snow drifts and walking out on the ice for fun.
About an hour and a half in I was using about 5' of leader below my float when it started to swim sideways a bit, then dunked! I pulled tight and soon had a nice smallie pulled up on the ice flow. Well about halfway in the line caught on a branch laying on the ice. Wendy ran out and grabbed the stick :) :shock: enough to free Mr. Bass! I reeled him in and noticed he was kind of large :) :) . No idea she was going to to do that, so I can't take credit. Guess she wanted the stick? The rest of the time I had to try and keep her off that ice.
19.25-19.5"er Pretty sure I've caught this one before, check the top of the caudal fin:
Try as I might, I got one more bite, the fish swam under the ice and sawed off my old mono backing. Looked about 17".
Wendy 1, BT 0
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