On the way to Honey Hole I plunked up a dink in a slower, rocky area.
Honey Hole is caused by a slight bend in the stream that sends current along the other side of the river. The pool is close to 200 yards long and 50 yards wide. At different times, fish can be on the current seam at the head of the pool, against the bank, or out in slow current behind boulders.
My first cast at the top of Honey Hole's eddy produced a float dunk and a hard fighting 19" SMB.
That was the only bite until the rain started. I started thinking the rain turned off the fish, when I moved down the bank 25 yards and hit three more smallmouth bass to 17". They all fought hard.
That action soon gave way and I moved another 15 yards downstream, I knew there was a spot there somewhere. It usually held a few fish. Boulders and 4-5' of water. My float dunked with light action. Hell broke loose. Zig, Zag, dive for a nearby tree, turned and finally lipped! Wow. The Smallmouth Bass measured 21". Hitting a black, pink, and blue fly with red flashaboo.
Not a few moments later, the float was again dunked. This time a more sluggish, heavy fight ensued. Carp. 2'.
After 'releasing' the carp I threw back over and a few moments later, another heavy, more agile fish was on the fly. It frigging jumped. When I finally lipped it, I couldn't believe it. Just made 20". I had found the honey for sure.
Wake me, this doesn't happen in Indiana in February.
One more fish 14" and I headed home back to the top of the pool where my float dunked in current. Another big fish, this time my jig flung out when the beast rolled near the surface. Enough to be heartbroken normally.
8 smallmouth bass (21", 20", 19", 17") 24" Carp. 3 hours- 1 big pool.
Didn't even bother to try another spot and fish to the usual time. I'm taking the money and not pressing my luck.
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